Thursday, January 4, 2007

Flying Squirrel

Flying Squirrel
Originally uploaded by Jake Bridge.
The Havahart® trap worked like a charm (once I set it correctly). Here's our attic guest, captured at last.

Flying squirrels, you may notice, are much cuter than grey squirrels. It's those big nocturnal eyes. They also are suckers for peanut butter.


  1. Yaay! You caught it. Did you know it was a flying squirrel before you caught it? If so, how? John guessed it might be a flying squirrel (after your hints). I was stuck in the please oh please don't let it be rats category. I love this blog!! Rose

  2. Hi Mom! The day before we first saw it, somebody had suggested flying squirrels to Bridget. Before that, we had never even considered the possibility.

    Then, two days ago, we caught one (temporarily) in a mouse trap. I stuck my head into the attic and there was a squirrel, two feet away, looking at me.

    After looking up flying squirrels online, we were pretty sure that's what we had. Unlike grey squirrels, they are nocturnal, and small enough to crawl down in our walls.

    The trap's set again in case we have more than one.
