We finally hung something on a wall. First things first, the mirror w/ hooks that serves to hold keys. Finally (hopefully) we will be able to find our keys! It's right inside the front door.
Also under the heading of "Little Things" is this nifty little thing that I love about the house. Between the front hall and the front room, there is a glass-pane door. It's quite lovely itself, but it has this little detail that I love: the keyhold has a keyhole cover! How demure and Victorian!
Jake has pointed out an interesting question about the keyhole cover here. Why does a glass-paned door need a keyhole cover? Clearly, it's not for privacy. Strange. Perhaps this is not the original hardware for this door. Hmmmm...
This is probably one of the most boring blog entries ever. Where are the squirrels?
Boring? Never! The delight is in the details. Keep them coming. Thanks. Rose