This book tells me all of the mundane and insane things that could go wrong -- for instance, did you know that if your water heater's thermostat goes haywire AND it doesn't have a working relief valve, it could literally EXPLODE LIKE A ROCKET UP THROUGH YOUR HOUSE? I did not know that. Now I do, and you do too. You will never feel safe again.
But seriously, in addition to telling me all the things that can go wrong in any house, it tells me what to do about them. Very sensible prevention and repairs are all spelled out for me.
I like this. I am now thumbling through Popular Mechanic's Complete Home How-To Book, which I like a lot because it has good pictures, and so far, has covered many things we need to do, like fixing plaster walls and ceilings.
In other news, it's snowing here at 83 Durant Street. The weather said no snow, but there it is. I'll end here with a photo of our sad, sad chimney in the snow. Jake talked to the mason today and we're moving forward with the plan.....though not sure of the timeline quite yet.
Snow...snow...what is that? I seem to have a memory of something...but it's been so long...I've forgotten what snow is...